Thursday, March 23, 2017

3/23 Active and Passive Ideology

Define ideology and then explain the difference between active and passive ideology.


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  2. The definition of ideology that i got from the podcast is that it is this idea or "norm" that is established by a population/writer/parent and woven throughout material and everyday life. Passive is stuff that is always considered normal, such as having a roof on a house and having two parents, while active is stuff that you are pushing to become normal, such as like gay parenting.

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  4. Ideology is the way things "should" be in any given culture. Active ideology are things that have to be taught and passive ideology are things that are simply understood.

  5. Ideology is the things you believe in or things that you have always believed to be true that arent factual. Passive Ideology is things that have always been taught to you that arent things you always think about but are engrained into you. Active is things youve learned yourself and believe.

  6. Ideology is basically the collection of ideas and accepted facts in a culture. What I mean by facts are not actually facts.
    Passive ideology is not actually spoken but more emulated, where active is actually taught to the other of the culture.

  7. Ideology is the opinions someone has about a particular idea, usually something political or social in nature. Active ideology is usually explicit and something someone knows they believe in, while passive is usually something not so explicit or obvious.

  8. Simply put, Ideology is a way of thinking. A core set of values and beliefs that make up something all together comprehendible. Passive ideologies are something that is hidden, and not seen through everyday actions. Active ideology is something that is seen everyday.

  9. To me, ideology is just a system of beliefs, ideas, and ways of thinking. Active ideology is sort of what is explicitly states and passive ideology is what you can gather from 'reading between the lines' so to speak.

  10. Ideology would be a set of beliefs held by an individual. Active ideology is and ideological set of beliefs that is actively recognized by the individual and passive ideology is a set that is played out and performed by the individual without active acknowledgement.

  11. Ideology is best defined as a system or collection of beliefs held by a group of people. Active ideology are the beliefs that are conveyed on purpose, while passive ideology are the underlying values that are conveyed subliminally.

  12. Ideology is a group of ideas that people believe in. Active ideology is more clear while passive ideology is more "read between the lines."

  13. Ideology is the way a person thinks and their thought process for what is considered right and wrong. Active ideology is what a person is vocal or visibly expressing. Passive ideology is a set of ideals that are not always present but my be subconscious.

  14. Active ideology is purposely blending of new ideas in a culture that develops culture norms. Passive ideology is being unaware of the influence, because it is things that have been considered normal

  15. Ideology is your system of ideals and the way that someone would generally support their theories. Active ideology is the outward perception of a person's beliefs and ideas, and passive ideology is the unexamined personal thoughts of someone.

  16. Ideology is a set of personal ideals, almost as a lens in which one sees the world. Active ideology is "hot topics" that are more subject to change, whereas passive ideology is what one would call "hard wired" thinking, not subject to change whether it be based on nature nurture, or societal.

  17. Ideology is the values, beliefs, and conceptions of what we read. Typically it is transparent meaning that it doesn't come out and say exactly what it is but our whole life is based on ideology. The active ideas of ideology are very apparent and reading but passive are not mentioned in the reading.

  18. Ideology is how we group our ideals and opinions of the world.

  19. ideology is the idea or belief of many individuals, active is someone who believes.

  20. Passive ideology presents ideas "as is." Active ideology attempts to present an alternative to dominant ideologies.

  21. Ideology is the idea and ideals that are characteristic to a certain group. Active ideology is what is pursued to be known and passive ideology is the norm.

  22. Ideology is a personal ideal surrounding a culture or society.

    Active ideology is trying to make the ideal better while passive is leaving it be.
