Thursday, March 23, 2017

3/22 Philosophy

In class Tuesday, I asked you to listen to at least seven philosophical definitions and write three down. Take one of the definitions you wrote down, write it here and then explicate the definition, demonstrating how it might function in music and music criticism.

If you did not do this, then just provide a definition of philosophy that synthesizes your personal understanding with the thoughts expressed in the podcast. Then, explain how philosophy functions in music and music criticism.


  1. Philosophy is the way in which people think and reason. It's the study of out minds and how they work. One way this comes up in music when we think about how one song or one album can be thought about or perceived in a plethora of ways.

  2. Philosophy - making sense of the situation that we find ourselves in. Technically, it is a way to make clear the presumptions that we take for granted and pick apart a familiar claim in order to give us insight.

  3. Philosophy is the active pursuit or thought experiments about the fundamental nature or conduct of things, ideas, and nature

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    2. Philosophy can give meaning to music and can define the nature of music

  4. One of the definitions that I wrote down was by a Paul Snowden (?). He defined philosophy as: "The name we give to a collection of questions which are of deep interest and for which there isn't a way to answer it in terms of a specialist". I believe that this definition is saying that philosophy is the questions that we have and create that cannot ever be proven 100% or scientifically. I think that this definition would function with music criticism by making it so that there is never a wrong or right opinion regarding an album.

  5. Philosophy is the study of knowledge. Philosophy in music and music criticism is our experience of music.

  6. Philosophy is all the thoughts and ideals that a person has or a group shares. Philosophy can be used in music criticism because it helps you understand where an artist is coming from and what meaning they put into their music.

  7. Philosophy to me is the personal and innovative ideals that someone has that can help give a better understanding of interactions between people.

    Everyone's personal philosophy and belief systems come out in their everyday life whether they mean to or not. Naturally we all tend to look at things that we want to see and the same thing applies with music and music criticism. Critics will write what they heard personally (even though it may differ from someone else) while the musicians will write music that speaks to them personally.

  8. "Philosophy encourages people to share knowledge and reflect to understand the world and themselves".
    In music, philosophy is very prominent because people write songs in order to share their feelings and reflect on the world and themselves. When people listen to the songs, they obtain that information and think systematically about it. Music criticism is analyzing songs and critiquing them, which argues for or against the philosophy of the songs.

  9. Philosophy is a way to think about something, to study thought. It is used to back up and defeat arguments. Notably, philosophy is something of a wonder when it comes to music. Musicians use their personal intellect in their songs to convey their thoughts about the world or a specific situation.

  10. Philosophy is simply just the study of existence and how people think. Music usually involves philosophy because a lot of thought about the different ways people think go into philosophy.

  11. One philosopher said he felt that philosophy was the search for a coherent, overall world view.

    1. Radio stations play music that is widely know and liked. Artists release music that they feel their audience will to react in a positive way

  12. Philosophy is an active state of thinking critically. It is thinking about why we know what we think we know and how we came to learn it.

  13. Philosophy is the understanding of reality and everything around you. In music you could use philosophy in a sense that you can have an understanding if the artists beliefs and ideology. It helps almost as much as understanding the artists culture.

  14. Philosophy is basically the fundamentals of thought and existence in itself. I think that philosophy is relative just as the meaning of music and music criticism is. The artist may have a set meaning in mind, but because it is all relative it could have some other profound meaning to you.

  15. I see philosophy as the "lens" through which one analyzes and makes sense of the world that they live in. In music specifically, one's personal philosophy shapes both what music one listens to, as well as what sort of music one might create.

  16. philosophy gives music the values, and reasoning to music. it is what gives the realness to music. I'm not sure what podcast was. wasn't aware we had to write about it.

  17. I think philosophy signifies the science behind how we know things and have our knowledge, as well as our existence. I think philosophy functions in music and music criticism because music is one of the most prominent ways to express our thoughts

  18. I find the definition by Bertrand Russel to be one of my favorites, he says "The point of philosophy is to start with something so simple as not to seem worth stating, and to end with something so paradoxical that no one will believe it."
    Its an analysis of the mundane in such a way that makes it too important for the everyday layman. A peek behind the curtain of modern and past thought.

  19. Philosophy is like the study of knowledge and how people came across hat knowledge. The study of thought and why people think those thoughts.

  20. Philosophy may function in music criticism as a means to produce an opinion from a specific critic and way/how that individual's perspective shapes that opinion.
