Thursday, April 6, 2017

Short Answer 4/6

Take a look at the different reverse outlines you did of the Johnson article. What differences do you see between them? In a comment to this blog post, briefly explain the differences you see and give a reason as to why they are so different from each other.


  1. the outlines vary by various things...some focused on tommy's life and how it was the theme of the album and then others were how it was a metaphor and that's what shaped the album

  2. There are a lot of similarities in listing main themes of the article. I see a lot of variance in the lengths and how people did their outlines for example some people listed what the authors purpose was and did it from there.

  3. I can see some major differences as to how each outline is set up. The outline that I did was more of like various point in order of when they happened in the essay, without heading of exigence or intros. The other outlines had more of a set up like we talked about in class, with the topic, exigence, and rationalism all in order. I feel like in my outline, the orders of the events happening were in the order of topic and exigence, but just were not labeled.

  4. Different outlines chose to focus on different things, for example, our outline focused mainly on Tommy's upbringing and how that influenced the album, while some other outlines focused more on the concepts that drive the album

  5. To start, the outline styles are all different. For example, our outline had set topics that were all talked about. Including the story of tommy, and the type of philosophys. The other outlines talked just about the story. The second outline just talked about the philosophies and not how the album "tommy" uses them as influences.

  6. I think that one of the major differences are that in some of the outlines, they focus more heavily on the story of Tommy and how that story contributed to the points of rationalism and exigence while others focus more primarily on rationalism, exigence, disabilities, etc. and incorporate the story of Tommy to help exemplify their arguments and support their rationales.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Some big differences that stand out between the outlines is what each group focused on. Some focused on Tommys story and the album and other groups focused more on the ideas and theories like rationalism and empiricism. Also some groups definitions are more thorough than others because some used the album and story to define it while others used dictionary definitions.

  9. Each outline is different because some go more into detail than others. By looking at the ones on the board, some outline the whole entire piece while others jump right into the given important parts, such as Tommy. Aside from detail, the outlines themselves are structured differently.

  10. Some give more of a backstory behind The Who, while others just mention that the group needed help. All mention that Tommy's handicap was due to his father murdering mom's lover. Some address the philosophy while others just give a brief summery of what happened in the album.

  11. The reverse outlines for the Johnson article are different from group to group. How people organized their outlines is a big difference. Some focused on the story of the album more than others, while some focused solely on empiricism vs. rationalism. I think the differences are there because of how groups perceived the article and also because some groups probably understood the overall thesis better so they discussed that more.

  12. I think a main reason the answers vary is because each group maybe had a different view of what the assignment was looking to get out of us. Like in the first one with Kat and Marshall and them, they seems to dive into the Exigence and all those big fancy english-102 terms, while other went f=more for just a summary of what they read in each paragraph or two. Some were more in depth than others because of the time limit we had as well. But i feel as one big conglomerate of a outline, we covered all the bases.

    Shoutout to the first three outlines for writing in straight lines. I didn't do that. Oops.

  13. The big difference between the outlines is some focus on the content as a summary and you can read those outlines and get most of the details you need to understand what was said. The other outlines characterize what was said in questions and short comments and categorize the paragraphs.

  14. I believe that the outlines vary because the groups chose to focus on different aspects. Some groups fell more towards the logical,timeline type outline; while others fell towards the emotional, this is "why it happened" side of things.

  15. I think that the differences we see between the different outlines are because people having varying methods of working through and organizing text. The first two outlines share very similar breakdowns in the way that they are organized with the topic, exigence, and rationalism being separated. This differs from the 3rd outline which is based on events that happened to Tommy and how they impacted him. I think that this is based on the fact that some people are more rational than others.

  16. The topics each outline focused on are all different. For example, the first one really imitated the outline on the other piece where the second one was more focused on the Rationalism vs Imperialism argument.

    I think the biggest reason for this is the focus each group put on each outline. I'm not really sure what each group did to reach their outline.

  17. I've only got like thirty seconds here but I think the differences between them come down to focusing on minor points to summing up things on a large scale, like tanlines to each theme

  18. Between the outlines that I can read, there seems to be two distinct categories that they fall into. The first two focus on the philosophical argument that the author makes, while the third focuses more on the content of the album as detailed by the author.

  19. Each outline is completely different from one another. Each took an entirely different approach in interpreting the text. Some use the details to break into the argument and some just breakdown the argument of rationalism and empiricism as a whole. Some focused on the actual album and some focused on the actual theories and how the points made in the article reinforce those theories that were stated.

  20. no two people are going to be see the world the same way. as with the article, everyone is going to have a different opinion on what exactly is being said. people's personal bias comes through when dissecting objective information.
