Thursday, February 23, 2017

Worksheet 4

It appears that some people are having issues with worksheet 4. This is in no small part due to the fact that I was too sick both to host Monday's Workshop or to teach on Tuesday. I have a couple of possible solutions that I would like to run by you. Please reply with your thoughts in the comments, and we will discuss in class. As of right now, I am granting everyone an extension on the assignment until midnight tonight, but I may change that depending on your input:

  1. I could grant an extension to those who need it until Monday, but students would have to come to a presentation on Audacity held later today. Those who do not need the extension will be given an extra point on this assignment as reward for completing it on time.
  2. I could give an extension until Monday for those who need it. We could spend today's class talking about Audacity (those who already have the assignment completed could leave). The daily class wiritings would then become homework. Again, anyone turning in the assignment on time would receive an extra point on it.
  3. We could do nothing. You will all be given an extension until midnight if you need it. I will field questions but not discuss Audacity in class, and will give the lecture I have prepared for the day.
  4. Something else--if you have suggestions, please let me know in the comments. 


  1. I think either option 1 or 2 is fair. I know that audacity took me a long time to figure out and I feel that people who don't know how to use the program will need longer than until midnight to complete the worksheet. I also like the idea that whoever did the project on time gets bonus because, like I said, it was difficult to use as a first timer but I managed to do it. I honestly don't have a problem with any of the options listed though.

  2. I don't mind any of the options but especially like option 1 or 2. I had given myself plenty of time to complete the assignment and know that it took a good amount of the time I allotted just to figure out how to use the program.

  3. I agree with Haley, option 1 seems great to me that way we can have ample time to work on audacity and have questions answered without messing with the schedule too much.

  4. Option 2 seems the most fair to me. I was really banking on the workshop to help me finish this worksheet. Normally, I would not excuse myself for not having an assignment done by the deadline but I did previously seek help. Hope you're feeling better.

  5. Option 2 all the way. I know what songs I want to use and I read the chapters required in the book I chose and I know what to write for the analysis at the end, I just can't get this song to work. I'm still having a problem downloading the songs so I think pushing this back to Monday is fair. Nothing else should be moved back, just this, so we have a little bit more time to figure it out. Then today in class we could go over audacity and then everyone will be prepared to complete this worksheet for monday

  6. I like either option 1 or 2 and I agree with Mikayla. It took me a while to figure it out, but I used online help and such to figure it out.

  7. I'm going to go with a solid option two. I have all the songs in order that I want but Audacity is being difficult and youtube help isnt getting me far.

  8. I guess 1 or 2 if input is something you'd like

  9. Option 2 because those that need help can stay and those that do not need help can use the time that they would be in class to complete the class writings.

  10. All of the options are good but option 2 makes the most sense. The workshops really help, so those who need it will benefit greatly from that, and I like how those who already finished the assignment will get an extra point in it. It took me a whole night to figure it out but I managed to do it and turn it in, so to me that's the best option. I hope you're feeling better!

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