Sunday, February 5, 2017

Working on Collage

For Worksheet Three you are creating a collage about your artist, their album, and the context in which it was created. Hopefully, this research combined with the use of an unusual mode of analysis will help you rethink the relationship between artist, album, and context in that way that will enable you to say something interesting about the album. However, I understand that working with image manipulation software can be confusing, which is why we are having this workshop. I am not a expert with using GIMP, which is why I have provided you with this tutorial from GlacticsTutorials:

Of course, we are here in a workshop for a reason. Feel free to ask me questions, ask those around you questions, or offer up some knowledge. Between all of us and the internet, we should be able to solve any problems that emerge. As we work, we will listen to J Dilla's Donuts


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